Friday, 10 February 2012

A helping hand (Concluded)

Hey guys sorry for the long delay…In the last post, I tried to speak about the humane idea of brotherhood.In this post let me try and take this innate humane idea to another level and merge it with with friendship: the ever so delightful word that brings to mind friendly crushes,coffee bar visits, birthday bumps and all the hugs and unending fights we have.Within the circles of our friendship we often have friends of all varieties (and sizes!!!!!!) Definitely in such a situation there will be some sort of friction that is bound to ignite at some point and continue to exist. This can hamper not only one to one relationships but one to group as a whole. This friction can result out of a variety of reasons like ego tussels,competition,personal enemity and other pressures of life.
How would you reach out by an extra mile to a friend who is probably ill or needs someone to console him by lending a patient ear to a sad incident he has to narrate? Even though you might find it difficult as  to some reason you tend to have a bad day. I am not talking of helping the ungrateful  rogue in your peer circle(by the way,these rogues exist in all friend circles) but  I am talking of the friend who finds it extremely comforting to speak out his woes  since he/she considers “YOU” to be quiet understanding(take pride I say!!!!) Would you let your silly and miniscule problems you  had  with other people let affect this relationship with the  true and humble friend? Try and sacrifice a bit more and help your friends and you will be reciprocated in double.It is said, “if you want to find a best friend, you first try to be one”
Sometimes, we have in our midst friends who visit bars and other places (am not saying do not visit,thats another issue altogether) just to vent out their frustration as no one is out there to listen to them and as a means of escapism from reality.Even not having a comforting soul around can drive you to the doorstep of a bar  .Be the friend you always wanted to have with the poor boy who plays with a broken toy or the shy girl from your group who is all alone in anticipation of a friend or maybe even still the friend who is pressurized by his parents all the time to study. Extraordinary people with ordinary problems you may think. Share a smile or a bouquet of flowers and I can bet you, that your joys shall  be doubled !!!! Adieus.


  1. That is the only thing we lack!
    Emotions have become so commercialised!
    We forget the little things of life..

  2. wow, am having a series of goosebumps here .... people know me as one hecka guy front the outside - partying, meeting celebs, socialising n bla .... but yea, as do all of us, I have my personal issues ... sob stories. I do share a lot on FB, esp. late nites with my friends,some who I am yet to meet up, and am lucky to have a few to hear me out. Empathize.

  3. Priyanka thank u...Yes i have realized that in the pursuit of greater things we miss out on simpler joys of life..Obrigado.

  4. yes Basil u are right when you say that. When people walk up to me and say 'i trust you and would like to speak to you' i feel special...It somewhat makes my day..:)
